Chaos Tackle
Big Mama Obnoxious B
Big Mama Obnoxious B
Black Orange
Thorne Bros - 10091 Central Ave. - PH# 763.572.3782
10091 Central Ave NE
Blaine MN 55434
United States
The Obnoxious "B" with its front lip has a very distinctive side to side movement while the tail blade is turning like the Twis'td Sis'tr. This makes for a completely obnoxious presentation that attracts huge fish and provokes them to bite like no other lure. On her first night out she scored two 50's and a 49. Hand made out of cedar you will find thru wire construction, a swiveled front hook, a stainless steel Jitter Bug style blade on the front and a stainless steel blade that you can tune and stays tuned on the back. The back hook is shrink tubed to hold it in the perfect hooking position. Obnoxious "B" comes standard with a 3/0 Premium Black Trident Treble Hook on the front and a 4/0 on the back.
Length 6"
Weight 3.3oz