Custom Jigs & Spins
Custom Jigs & Spins Pulse R
Custom Jigs & Spins Pulse R
2.45" / Chart/Green Core
Thorne Bros - 10091 Central Ave. - PH# 763.572.3782
10091 Central Ave NE
Blaine MN 55434
United States
Swimbaits have been utilized by walleye and bass anglers for decades now, but not until the development of the Pulse-R Paddle Tail has a swimbait been this effective at ultra slow speeds. This bait is designed to come alive when fished slowly and produce the body and tail movement other baits lacked.
More specifically, the tail on this bait does things never seen from other swimbait designs. The bottom of the tail turns 180 degrees so it’s at the top, all the while the tail is swinging out to the side before repeating in the opposite direction. This all happens when fished at an absolute crawl or when the Pulse-R Paddle Tail is in current. This bait is going to be the undoing of some BIG fish for you! The 3.25” and 2.45” Pulse-R is available in 24 proven, fish-catching colors to match any fishing scenario.
Rear/Fore Grip Handle Material

A Classic look and feel. We use only the highest grade of cork when making our custom rods. This is the standard option, and our most popular.

Duracork is an inorganic material that will not dry-rot or deteriorate. It is incredibly durable, and slightly lighter then regular cork. It has a rough texture, but smooths out after use.
main guide wrap nylon

Black 862

Ghost Grey 819

fire red 325

merlot 349

bluegill 422

cobalt 455

island lagoon 413

purple 631

oak leaf 525

olive 558

guacamole 513
main guide wrap colorfast

ghost grey 819

merlot 349

bluegill 422

colbalt 455

fire red 325

oakleaf 525

purple 631

olive 588

guacamole 513

island lagoon 413

taxi 119

neon orange 225

neon yellow 122

neon green 552

neon pink 361
trim band metallic

metallic gold 9130

metallic blue steel 9850

metallic pewter 9830

metallic copper 9710

metallic deep blue 9460

metallic aqua 9410

metallic red 9300

metallic lime 9510

metallic green 9520

metallic purple 9600

metallic fuchsia 9610

metallic silver 9860
trim band colorfast

ghost grey 819

merlot 349

bluegill 422

colbalt 455

fire red 325

oakleaf 525

purple 631

olive 588

guacamole 513

island lagoon 413

taxi 119

neon orange 225

neon yellow 122

neon green 552

neon pink 361