Evergreen 12" Bow Worm Noodle
Evergreen 12" Bow Worm Noodle
12" (8 Pack) / Solid Black
Thorne Bros - 10091 Central Ave. - PH# 763.572.3782
10091 Central Ave NE
Blaine MN 55434
United States
Evergreen BOW WORM NOODLE is designed as an ultra-thin worm showing a weak presence that cannot be ignored by spooky bass. NOODLE works the most under the tough situations where it is difficult to catch with normal long worm due to clear sky, no wind, clear water, and no current. Evergreen found that such bass react with NOODLE abnormally. It can be used with no-sinker rigs, wacky rigs, drop-shot rigs, jig head rigs, Carolina rigs, split-shot rigs, light Texas rigs, ...... offset hooks, and trout hooks. It can be used for both regular and wacky hooks. Slim but thick enough to insert a nail sinker in the head, it can be used with various finesse rigs.